In 2007 I was invited by Scottish Chamber Orchestra Education to deliver a music in the workplace project for Scottish Widows whilst training members of the SCO in workshop and world music skills with specific regard to Afro-Cuban and West African drum and song.
I decided to collaborate with long-term master of the Brazilian beat Mat Clements to bring on the Brazilian drum and song. Regular training sessions with SCO members and intensive weekend sessions for Scottish Widows participants resulted in a very enjoyable, high energy and successful project. The fruits of our 3 month project can be sampled in the audio of our performances above...
“What a remarkable and successful arts-at-work project, full of wonderful music and innovative, professionally run workshops. Training and performances that engaged everyone at their own level. World Class!!”
Sylvia Dow, Arts at Work Director, Scottish Widows
Throughout 2008 I continued my collaboration with Scottish Widows musicians by delivering African Drumming weekly sessions. A few of the students were so engaged in the music they decided to go on a trip to The Gambia to study directly with my Master Drummer Tomas Camara
The African and Brazilian drumming groups then collaborate and performed with the hypnotic Balon of Dougie Hudson and the Ngoni of Stuart Dinwoodie of the funky Afro-beat group Baobab Gateway. All recordings live recorded by Dr. Sean Williams.
Scottish Widows and Scottish Chamber Orchestra players collaborate
Recording Performance with Baobab Gateway.
Djembe Section kicking off!
Dun Dun section interlocking those patterns